Workshop “Living with radioactivity”

Workshop “Living with radioactivity”

Date & Time:
October 14, 2020 11:30 - 13:00
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Event Details

Occurrence of natural radioactivity in the environment can vary from region to region and can have an impact on the health of the public and workers, e.g. after cigarette smoking, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Engaging in dialogue with different stakeholders, politicians, decision-makers, experts and public partners in order to facilitate an exchange of experiences on cooperation and networking will support the dissemination of a better understanding of the risks associated and of their prevention.

The workshop is structured in 4 talks (20 min with Q/A) on regional experiences about monitoring, harmonising and communicating environmental radioactivity data. The topic and name of the speaker of each talk are:

  • Overview of European legal basis and requirements concerning environmental radioactivity
  • Regional experiences for developing surveys and mapping indoor radon concentration and risk
  • A successful example of cooperation: EURDEP system, a network for the exchange of radiological monitoring data
  • Harmonisation of environmental radioactivity measurements: Proficiency Tests, data collection and viewing

The workshop will be opened with two short addresses by Massimo Garribba (Deputy Director General, European Commission, DG Energy) and Maria Betti (Director, European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

See further information here

Note no supporting material.

Occurrence of natural radioactivity in the environment can vary from region to region and can have an impact on the health of the public and workers, e.g. after cigarette smoking, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Engaging in dialogue with different stakeholders, politicians, decision-makers, experts and public partners in order to facilitate an exchange of experiences on cooperation and networking will support the dissemination of a better understanding of the risks associated and of their prevention.

The workshop is structured in 4 talks (20 min with Q/A) on regional experiences about monitoring, harmonising and communicating environmental radioactivity data. The topic and name of the speaker of each talk are:

  • Overview of European legal basis and requirements concerning environmental radioactivity
  • Regional experiences for developing surveys and mapping indoor radon concentration and risk
  • A successful example of cooperation: EURDEP system, a network for the exchange of radiological monitoring data
  • Harmonisation of environmental radioactivity measurements: Proficiency Tests, data collection and viewing

The workshop will be opened with two short addresses by Massimo Garribba (Deputy Director General, European Commission, DG Energy) and Maria Betti (Director, European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

See further information here

Note no supporting material.

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Radioactivity in the environment: opportunities for geosciences and implications for human health