Curinga (CZ) Village Falkensteiner - Acconia di Curinga (CZ), Italy
May 29, 2023 - 31/05/2023
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ASSORADON and AIRP propose for 2023 an event entirely dedicated to the radon issue.

IRSOIL&WATER 2023 stems from the need to maintain the high level of interest in soil measurements shown in the two previous experiences IRSOIL 2021-Biella and IRSOIL 2022- Rome, combining in this new edition the need to also discuss the measurement of radon concentration in water. Legislative Decree no. 101/2020, which establishes basic safety standards for protection against dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation, lists in Annex II the minimum requirements for dosimetry services, including participation in suitable interlaboratory comparison programmes, with the aim of consolidating quality standards for radon measurements. Hence the need to broaden the scope of the third intercomparison appointment by including the water matrix as the object of study and exercise.
The field exercise relating to the phase of measuring radon concentration in water and/or soil will take place at two different sites for water and one site for soil, in places that are already the subject of research and radiometric characterisation by local authorities. This will be followed by a technical report with an evaluation of the results obtained.

In this edition, the second novelty will be the proposal of a space with sessions dedicated to radon building remediation experiences. The organisation aims to broaden the audience and is aimed both at public and private laboratories that, in possession of the dosimetry service requirements, want to practise in the field for radon measurements in the water and/or soil matrix, but also at all professionals who want to deal with the radon issue in all its complexity. The recent regulatory guidelines on radon remediation and prevention activities for buildings have turned a spotlight on the subject; ASSORADON and AIRP, with the aim of motivating the professional growth of their members and others, are proposing a series of moments of experiential interchange, transversally intervening on the mitigation of buildings and at the same time on prevention policies in the territories by public bodies.

The three-day event, in a journey that has crossed the entire boot in this three-year period, will land in 2023 in Calabria in the municipality of Curinga in the province of Catanzaro. Operational details will be shared in future announcements.

For further info please contact

ASSORADON and AIRP propose for 2023 an event entirely dedicated to the radon issue.

IRSOIL&WATER 2023 stems from the need to maintain the high level of interest in soil measurements shown in the two previous experiences IRSOIL 2021-Biella and IRSOIL 2022- Rome, combining in this new edition the need to also discuss the measurement of radon concentration in water. Legislative Decree no. 101/2020, which establishes basic safety standards for protection against dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation, lists in Annex II the minimum requirements for dosimetry services, including participation in suitable interlaboratory comparison programmes, with the aim of consolidating quality standards for radon measurements. Hence the need to broaden the scope of the third intercomparison appointment by including the water matrix as the object of study and exercise.
The field exercise relating to the phase of measuring radon concentration in water and/or soil will take place at two different sites for water and one site for soil, in places that are already the subject of research and radiometric characterisation by local authorities. This will be followed by a technical report with an evaluation of the results obtained.

In this edition, the second novelty will be the proposal of a space with sessions dedicated to radon building remediation experiences. The organisation aims to broaden the audience and is aimed both at public and private laboratories that, in possession of the dosimetry service requirements, want to practise in the field for radon measurements in the water and/or soil matrix, but also at all professionals who want to deal with the radon issue in all its complexity. The recent regulatory guidelines on radon remediation and prevention activities for buildings have turned a spotlight on the subject; ASSORADON and AIRP, with the aim of motivating the professional growth of their members and others, are proposing a series of moments of experiential interchange, transversally intervening on the mitigation of buildings and at the same time on prevention policies in the territories by public bodies.

The three-day event, in a journey that has crossed the entire boot in this three-year period, will land in 2023 in Calabria in the municipality of Curinga in the province of Catanzaro. Operational details will be shared in future announcements.

For further info please contact

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