September 13, 2021 - 15/09/2021
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Indoor Environmental Quality

Event Details

AQ 2020 Rescheduled

After careful consideration by the Steering Committee and from input by authors, ASHRAE and AIVC have decided to postpone the conference, which was scheduled for September 14-16, 2020 in Athens, Greece. You can read more information here.

The IAQ 2020 conference is being postponed by one year to September 13-15, 2021 as a face-to-face conference in Athens, Greece.

The Steering Committee has decided to make environmental impacts of COVID19 a part of the conference.  See the Topics list below.   Because of the postponement, a new call for submissions will be opened.  Already accepted abstracts and submitted papers will be kept valid for the new conference dates.

The conference is organized by ASHRAE and AIVC and will take place in Athens, Greece. The conference will also be the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conference. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the core of ASHRAE’S IAQ series of conferences for the past 30 years.  This conference will expand from Indoor Air Quality to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).  IEQ includes air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, and illumination and their interactions.  The particular focus of this conference is on performance approaches including the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement them.


  • Health and Well-being: Appropriate technical and operational definitions
  • Performance Metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
  • Interactions: Interactions between IEQ parameters
  • Occupant Behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior – psychological dimensions of IEQ
  • Smart Sensors and Big Data: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications
  • Smart Controls: Equipment properties, commissioning, equivalence
  • Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
  • Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
  • Air Tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
  • Thermal Comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
  • Policy and Standards: Trends, impacts, implications
  • Role of ventilation and building airtightness in epidemic preparedness
  • Filtration and disinfection options to control COVID19.
  • Face-covering impacts on indoor air quality
  • HVAC and IEQ in a post-COVID world

AQ 2020 Rescheduled

After careful consideration by the Steering Committee and from input by authors, ASHRAE and AIVC have decided to postpone the conference, which was scheduled for September 14-16, 2020 in Athens, Greece. You can read more information here.

The IAQ 2020 conference is being postponed by one year to September 13-15, 2021 as a face-to-face conference in Athens, Greece.

The Steering Committee has decided to make environmental impacts of COVID19 a part of the conference.  See the Topics list below.   Because of the postponement, a new call for submissions will be opened.  Already accepted abstracts and submitted papers will be kept valid for the new conference dates.

The conference is organized by ASHRAE and AIVC and will take place in Athens, Greece. The conference will also be the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conference. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the core of ASHRAE’S IAQ series of conferences for the past 30 years.  This conference will expand from Indoor Air Quality to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).  IEQ includes air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, and illumination and their interactions.  The particular focus of this conference is on performance approaches including the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement them.


  • Health and Well-being: Appropriate technical and operational definitions
  • Performance Metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
  • Interactions: Interactions between IEQ parameters
  • Occupant Behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior – psychological dimensions of IEQ
  • Smart Sensors and Big Data: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications
  • Smart Controls: Equipment properties, commissioning, equivalence
  • Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
  • Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
  • Air Tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
  • Thermal Comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
  • Policy and Standards: Trends, impacts, implications
  • Role of ventilation and building airtightness in epidemic preparedness
  • Filtration and disinfection options to control COVID19.
  • Face-covering impacts on indoor air quality
  • HVAC and IEQ in a post-COVID world

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