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Agility, stamina, beauty, adaptability. These are all virtues that I would like to think are representative of Jasmine Cottage Marketing.

Having lived in the South West for over two decades now, I associate this elegant and remarkable bird with this part of the country, despite it being ubiquitous across the UK. Up on the wires, along the lanes, swooping across farmyards, diving through barns, nests hidden inside, it brings joyful life to warm and long summer evenings.

Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica

Swallows are extremely agile in flight
and highly adapted to aerial feeding.
They consequently spend most of their time on the wing.
They are widespread breeding birds in the Northern Hemisphere,
migrating south in winter to South Africa.

This migration was first established on 23 December 1912
when a bird that had been ringed by James Masefield
at a nest in Staffordshire was found in Natal,
an astonishing journey of 6,000 miles;
all from a bird weighing a mere 18 grams.
That’s less than the contents of a bag of crisps.